Deep Tissue Massage Therapy?
Deep tissue massage therapy also known as deep tissue muscle work is offered pretty much everywhere where you can get a massage. But here is the but. Everyone and their mama are offering and claiming that they do deep tissue massage therapy, but only very few deliver really great deep tissue sessions.
So what is deep tissue massage and why is it so hard to find someone really good at deep tissue work?
Simply put, the purpose of deep tissue massage work is to alleviate the body from the tension on the deeper level of the tissue. Massage therapists use their hands, knuckles, forearms and elbows during the session. Deep tissue massage therapy is performed by a licensed massage therapist at their office, massage clinic, a SPA, or if you like in the comfort of your home. Deep tissue massage helps to relieve occasional aches and pains, physical tension and mental/emotional stress.
What to expect
When you first start with deep tissue massage, you will probably get sore for 2-3 days afterwards. It like going to the gym after you haven’t been there for a while. Make sure you drink plenty of water, staying hydrated will help. Also mild stretching and mobilization exercises will help.
Deep tissue is not easy to perform. I mean to give massages is a very difficult physically task. Deep tissue massage is like regular massage times ten. It requires, superior knowledge of the anatomy and physiology, strength, stamina, endurance, high level of energy and single-pointed focus.
The key element in deep tissue work is the massage therapists’ ability to apply just enough pressure to break the tension in the tissue, yet not to cause physiological, psychological or emotional distress for the client. Trust me this is not an easy task to accomplish. You’re hurting people yet making them feel good. Lot of my clients say, it’s like a good hurt. Hurts and feels good at the same time.
Where to get a deep tissue massage?
I’ve been a massage consumer myself for over fifteen years now. I get massages weekly or biweekly. Believe me, really good deep tissue massages are rear to find. Ask anyone who is a regular massage client. If they have a good therapist, it probably took them a while to find one.
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this question. The best deep tissue specialists always come recommended. So ask around. Ask your doctors, your PT, chiropractor, friends and family. And be specific like, did you by any chance know a good massage therapist who specializes in deep tissue work. And try different places, different therapists and when you find someone that’s really good, stick with them. People move, change locations, change careers. So, use the service while it is there.
Who can benefit from deep tissue?
A deep tissue massage is a wonderful alternative for athletes who take part in lengthy workouts and training seasons. Anyone who’s a the gym more then three times a week should occasionally get deep tissue or at least sports massage.
Professional people who live intense lifestyles travel a lot, always under deadlines, and under pressure of heavy decisions also will benefit tremendously from regular deep tissue massage therapy.
People who suffer from sports or accident related injuries would benefit from deep tissue. People who are suffering from lower back pain, thoracic/middle back pain, neck pain, shoulder injuries. Deep tissue massage can help to relieve frequent headaches, migraines, severe stress and anxiety.
Lots of people consider massage as a luxury item, accessible to the rich and famous. But it is not. It can get pricy that’s true. But it is an investment into your health and future.
Speaking of prices. Sometimes you get a better deep tissue massage at the mall than in a fancy SPA and it costs less than half. Deep tissue massages range from $75.00 to $275.00 per sixty-minute sessions. It all depends on the amenities and the massage therapists’ confidence and the skill level. I’ll give you my prices, so you have realistic information to gage by. I’m a clinically trained licensed massage therapist and deep tissue is one of my specialties, this means not a single client has ever left my office unsatisfied by the amount of the pressure. Very humble right? Well it is true and, do you feel the confidence? My office visits are $95.00 for a sixty-minute deep tissue sessions and I charge double for house visits. But you can get a “deep tissue” at the nail spa and pay fifty bucks, or go to Mandarin Oriental in New York City and pay three hundred dollars for a session.
Wherever you go to get our deep tissue fix, remember regularity of sessions coupled with skills of a great massage therapist can yield great results for your health, happiness, and well being.
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