Guest Post: 4 Strategies to Soothe Anxiety This Holiday Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year - but it can also be the most stressful! When the holidays roll around, tensions can run high, and your calendar is probably packed with commitments. Between work, shopping, decorating, and going to family gatherings, you might not be feeling so merry.
If you feel like you can barely find a minute to breathe, it’s time to take a step back and prioritize stress relief and self-care. With the right approach, tech tools, and resources, you can kick back, enjoy the festivities, and let go of your anxiety. This holiday season, try these strategies for managing stress.
Travel Smart
Spending time with loved ones who live far away might be the highlight of your holiday season, and no matter how crazy your to-do list gets, you know that making this journey each year is non-negotiable. But getting to your destination can be a major source of stress. Plane tickets are expensive, weather delays are common, and airports are even more crowded than usual.
Want to make sure your holiday travel plans go smoothly? If your schedule allows for it, The Ascent recommends flying or driving on less popular dates. Book your flights early to save money, and budget extra time for delays if you’re flying somewhere snowy. You may also want to purchase travel insurance in case of bad weather.
Relax With CBD Oil
Incorporating CBD oil into your usual vitamin regimen can help you weather the stress of the holiday season. CBD is a natural, calming substance that many people use to manage symptoms of anxiety and reduce stress.
CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, but according to Very Well Health, taking CBD oil won’t make you feel “high” - it doesn’t contain any THC, so it’s not psychoactive. You can also mix it into drinks to mask the flavor - try adding a few drops to your hot chocolate to chill out after holiday shopping!
Say “No”
During the holiday season, it’s easy to bite off more than you can chew. You might find yourself planning the festive office party, hosting everyone for dinner at your house, and baking cookies for all of your neighbors.
If all of this and more is on your holiday to-do list, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed. One of the simplest ways to eliminate holiday stress is to say “no” to certain responsibilities. For example, don’t hesitate to ask for your coworkers to pitch in with party planning responsibilities so you can enjoy the celebration, too! Take on the tasks that you know you can realistically handle, and let someone else take the reins when your schedule is packed.
Keep in Touch
One way to blow off steam when the holiday stress gets you down? Venting to friends who feel the same way! Everyone is extra busy this time of year, so it’s important to reach out to the people who matter most and check in with them. And if you’re clashing with certain relatives, unloading your emotions on a trusted friend can help. Sometimes, commiserating together makes everything feel a little easier to manage. Don’t be afraid to lean on each other for help when your hands are full!
Make sure that your cell phone plan provides you with enough data, texts, and calls so that you can stay in touch with your friends without worrying about surprise coverage charges on your next phone bill. After budgeting for gifts, the last thing you need is an extra charge from your service provider!
The holiday season is supposed to be joyous, not stress-inducing. This year, forget about the pressure to plan every occasion perfectly. Being proactive when it comes to self-care will allow you to celebrate what really matters.
Written by Jennifer Scott