How to Avoid Soreness

Sometimes you might indeed experience soreness after massages, especially deep tissue massage therapy. When people start to get into massages therapy, they are eager to try different massage modalities. And, quite often, new massage clients keep asking for more pressure from the massage therapists.

It is one hundred percent the massage therapist's responsibility to gage an absolute pressure for their clients to satisfy the client’s requests, needs, acceptation, help to get rid of muscle tension and muscle nuts, as well as to educate clients what to expect after a deep tissue massage session. 

Delayed onset muscle soreness to be experienced by people who undergo sudden intense muscle activation, whether a workout or deep tissue bodywork. If you haven’t had a massage for six months and going for deep tissue, expect soreness the same as if you haven’t been to the gym in a while, and you go in for Insanity work out.

Here are some useful tips and ideas that will help you maximize the effectiveness of your massage sessions and get the most benefits out of them.

  • Find a great massage therapist and stick with them. Ask for recommendations and referrals from your doctors, physical therapist, chiropractor, personal trainers, family, and friends. Find a massage therapist with great reviews.

  • Trust your massage therapist. Trust your massage because they're professionals, and it is in their best interest to do a great job and have you write a great review, recommend your friends and family and become a regular client on their schedule.

  • Be specific about your needs. Tell your massage therapist about your concerns, tender spots, injuries, and painful areas, and what you'd like to achieve with the session.

  • Give feedback during the session. Ask for more pressure or less pressure. If some techniques feel good, mention it so the massage therapist can repeat them.

  • Use the restroom before your massage therapy sessions, so you don't have to be stressing about it during the session. But If you feel like you have to the bathroom during the massage, tell your therapist about it, and use the bathroom. It takes two or three minutes to do so and will help you to experience a better session.

  • Breathe deeply during massage therapy sessions. Proper breathing patterns will help you to relax deeply and will help you to minimize muscle soreness after the massage. Calm, deep abdominal breathing will help to provide your body with a much-needed higher dose of oxygen while signaling your body to let relax deeply and let go of tensions accumulated because of mental-emotional stress.

  • Drink extra water after your massage session. This is a must. One of the results and benefits of massage therapy is the release of waste materials and toxins from your muscles and the soft tissues, by increasing your water intake helps to eliminate the toxicity from your body.

  • Get massages regularly and have them in your schedule. Once a week, once a month, whatever your availability can allow. Always schedule your next massage appointment! When you make massage therapy a regular part of your routine, you'll enjoy better health, better workouts, higher cognitive capabilities, and an overall balanced and happier life.

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